The Android application will protect your personal information from being stolen

The Android application will protect your personal information from being stolen

How to protect?
Greeting everyone I'm starting my new tune today. Don't know how?

The thing is, we use many types of software, but sometimes a lot of software steals personal information on our device and how to protect it from being stolen. Today's tune on how to turn it off.

There are many popular applications that automatically share your personal information by themselves. Although I have collected a certain amount of information from Google for details. Like Facebook, doing this without my consent annoys me. After searching, I found a great solution, and don't need root to do it.

How to protect from being stolen?

Download ISLAND:
Now we need the JE application, its name is ISLAND, the app is still in airy access. Still, I am happy with this app because I have been using it for months.

ISLAND is an app that will create a profile with a sandbox inventory where the system of your selected applications will be turned off. And protects your personal data from being stolen.

Open the application and click on ACCEPT First a Welcome page will appear.

An initial setup page will appear, then take a moment to Accept & Continue. " Press Enter to enter your profile.

Creating Profile

How to Protect Data?

Below the Island app you will find 3 menus: * Mainland, Island, and Discovery

Mainland refers to your personal profile. These apps have access to your personal information, many of which have already been sent by companies.

The app will show all apps installed by you. Select it. Then it will be.

Things you need to know:
There are some things to know about this method. First, without your data, many applications will be difficult to use. For example, messaging apps, which can usually find your friends using your contacts, have to search your friends manually instead.

Bye for today I'm not going today. Maybe I can come up with something new tomorrow. Come on around to get some fun

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