Facebook Emoji's (Shortcut Trip's)
Facebook Emoji's (Shortcut Tip's)
We often chat or post emoji in comments or comments.
At present there are many emoji. There are keyboards to use emoji, but before that emoji was used by some special codes! (Programming
No code)
And the number of emoji was less than before. However, these emoji codes still exist. It is possible to make emoji code!
Come on, emoji code!
Shark → (^^ + ^)
Pengui → <("+)
Robot →: | +]
Like → (y +)
Smile →: +)
Sad → → (
Naughty →: + P.
Smile →: + D
Wonder →: + O
Ophthalmic →; +)
Chashamishi → B- +)
Sunglasses → B + |
Moody →>: + (
Unconfirmed →: + /
Quilt →: '+ (
Devil → 3: +)
Angel → O: +)
Kiss →: + *
Heart → <+3
Smile laugh → ^ _ + ^
Lookup → -_ + -
Confused → O. + O
Upset →>: + O
Packman →: + v
Carlie Lips →: +3
Before use "+"
Avoid symbols. Many may have known the tricks
A tricks of a lot earlier.