What is wordpress ? How to Create a Website in Your Own Name..........

What is wordpress ? How to Create a Website in Your Own Name..........

What is wordpress ?
There are many of us who still know Not about wordpress.
I asked for them
Wordpress: -
In the beginning, I said in one sentence that this is a blogging platform from which you can create websites.
Now Definition Wordpress

wordpress or wordpress is one of the most popular blog publishing application & Strong Content Management System or Content Management System (CMS) of our time.
This is open source blogging software developed by PHP and MySQL.
WordPress was a free blogging platform in the early stages.
Which later builds an engine and downloads it for free and starts giving any blogger access.
WordPress can create a professional quality website without any PHP, MySQL or HTML knowledge.
Wordpress Developer: -
MaTe Mulen-weag (Matt Mullenweg) first published it on May 27, 2003.

How to create a wordpress website for u?
Everyone knows that question now.
How to create a website for yourself?
There is nothing difficult for him to do.
Not so much
Inshallah your website will be created by following the steps below.
Let's start
Get there by clicking on the wordpress below
Click Here

Click on the Sign sub.
Then yours
With all the information
Sign up and sign.
Well done.
Later we will show you how to create a WordPress website using Free Hosting & Customs domain.
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