Increase the RAM Make the computer super speed.

Increase the RAM Make the computer super speed.

The PCs we use at one time realize that our computer is slow.
Then we thought we might not be getting RAM so we thought about buying a new RAM

Today I will show you how to double your computer's RAM.
If your RAM is 1 GB then your RAM will work just like 1 GB.
You don't have to worry about buying a new RAM and your computer will be super fast and can work on your PC without the hang of games, video editing and Photoshop CC.
We will do this by increasing the virtual RAM. You won't see in the numbers whether or not the RAM is growing on your PC.
But using PC you will realize that your computer is much faster than before.

How Virtual RAM works:

This virtual RAM works by leaving a free space on your hard disk as a RAM. When we use the computer, if we need more RAM then our computer hangs or slows down. So when our RAM installed, your computer will use this virtual RAM, which will cause your computer to hang or slow down.

How to:

First of all you have to do a calculation according to your RAM. And based on this calculation your virtual RAM will take the place of the RAM from the hard disk.
I will show you the 5 GB calculation based on the amount of GB RAM you have on your PC.

How to calculate:

  1. That GB is assumed to be 1024 MB. However, the calculation is, 1024 * 4 = 4096 it converted your 4GB RAM to MB.
  2. Multiply 1.5 with your calculation. Calculate, 4096 * 1.5 = 6144 This is Initial size.

  1. Repeat the calculation 3 times. Calculate, 6144 * 3 = 18432 This is Maximam size.

How to set:

  1. First, from the Windows search menu, type in the Control Panel and go to Control Panel.
  2. From the control panel, at the top right, notice that the View By: Category select Large icons from there and click on the System option.
  3. Now click on Advanced System settings> Then from the menu under Settings under Advanced here Performance menu.
  4. You will see another new window opened and from there click on Advanced.
  5. From the Virtual memory menu, click Change.
  6. You will see that another window has been opened from here. Automatically manage paging file size for all drives Paging file size for each drive.
  7. Below it you can see all the drives on your PC. Select the drive that has enough space and then click on Custom size.
  8. Now, we need to add the previous calculation, calculate the number (2) in the box of Initial Size (MB): and the calculation in Maximum size (MB): (1).
  9. Click Set, then click OK, and then click Apply.
  10. Restart your PC on the latest.

From now on, your PC will be much faster and faster than ever.

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