[Part-2] How to create a developer environment for Android
[Part-2] How to create a developer environment for Android
So after yesterday's post, I came to the mosque on Friday. I came to find out how I would write a post that I was leaving at home. So I was reading an older version of WordPress. Extracted it, set up and started writing posts. So if you do not understand the title, I am Enad Islam. Let's start with you: -
So the first of all we were creating a web server now is talking about the owner and developer of every web server you are talking about now. So today I will talk about what a mobile developer environment is like. Before starting the discussion, I would like to say one thing about this development post on my mobile, you will not find any other site on Google except BanglaPen. Except for just Bangla Pen and my channel Pogamar - The Tech Therapist.
So first of all an app that we are all familiar with is Tarmux. You can find this Tarmux app on the Play Store. And I'll give you a link below. Then the app we need is Tarmux: Style. People familiar with Termux will also be familiar with this app. It will also be available at the Play Store but you will have to buy it at the Play Store with the money. So what do I do in this case? I will download the link below the post and install it. And those who have any problem to install, they will comment, I will provide the solution.
So let's start with some code below and make a copy and paste it in Tarmux: -
pkg update -y
pkg upgrade -y
pkg install git -y
pkg install wget -y && test
pkg install vim -y
pkg install vim-python -y
pkg install python -y
pkg install curl -y
pkg install figlet -y
pkg install nano -y
pkg install busybox -y
pkg install powerline-shell -y
bash -c "$ (curl -fsSL https://git.io/oh-my-termux)"
source ~ / .zshrc
rm -rf ~ / .zshrc
wget -O ~ / .zshrc https://gist.githubusercontent.com/ArifulProtik/5464a0ec1250a83a4dfed2c4a58b039b/raw/4f17184796be17de2e309c4493bac079ec985571/.zshrc
git clone https://github.com/VundleVim/Vundle.vim.git ~ / .vim / bundle / Vundle.vim
rm -rf ~ / .vimrc
wget -O ~ / .vimrc https://gist.githubusercontent.com/inadislam/78b2e2fd86646a52b684a2ba98a8d7f8/raw/8eb7363112a55e766d1c4d5d3e73e4c801dd257b/.vimrc
git clone https://github.com/bhilburn/powerlevel9k.git ~ / .oh-my-zsh / custom / themes / powerlevel9k
Now enter exit and enter. Then enter the app again. Enter vim ~ / .zshrc and press enter. Here is a line like this: -
export ZSH = "$ home / wiz / .oh-my-zsh"
Edit it and do the following code: -
export ZSH = "$ HOME / .oh-my-zsh"
So after yesterday's post, I came to the mosque on Friday. I came to find out how I would write a post that I was leaving at home. So I was reading an older version of WordPress. Extracted it, set up and started writing posts. So if you do not understand the title, I am Enad Islam. Let's start with you: -
So the first of all we were creating a web server now is talking about the owner and developer of every web server you are talking about now. So today I will talk about what a mobile developer environment is like. Before starting the discussion, I would like to say one thing about this development post on my mobile, you will not find any other site on Google except BanglaPen. Except for just Bangla Pen and my channel Pogamar - The Tech Therapist.
So first of all an app that we are all familiar with is Tarmux. You can find this Tarmux app on the Play Store. And I'll give you a link below. Then the app we need is Tarmux: Style. People familiar with Termux will also be familiar with this app. It will also be available at the Play Store but you will have to buy it at the Play Store with the money. So what do I do in this case? I will download the link below the post and install it. And those who have any problem to install, they will comment, I will provide the solution.
So let's start with some code below and make a copy and paste it in Tarmux: -
pkg update -y
pkg upgrade -y
pkg install git -y
pkg install wget -y && test
pkg install vim -y
pkg install vim-python -y
pkg install python -y
pkg install curl -y
pkg install figlet -y
pkg install nano -y
pkg install busybox -y
pkg install powerline-shell -y
bash -c "$ (curl -fsSL https://git.io/oh-my-termux)"
source ~ / .zshrc
rm -rf ~ / .zshrc
wget -O ~ / .zshrc https://gist.githubusercontent.com/ArifulProtik/5464a0ec1250a83a4dfed2c4a58b039b/raw/4f17184796be17de2e309c4493bac079ec985571/.zshrc
git clone https://github.com/VundleVim/Vundle.vim.git ~ / .vim / bundle / Vundle.vim
rm -rf ~ / .vimrc
wget -O ~ / .vimrc https://gist.githubusercontent.com/inadislam/78b2e2fd86646a52b684a2ba98a8d7f8/raw/8eb7363112a55e766d1c4d5d3e73e4c801dd257b/.vimrc
git clone https://github.com/bhilburn/powerlevel9k.git ~ / .oh-my-zsh / custom / themes / powerlevel9k
Now enter exit and enter. Then enter the app again. Enter vim ~ / .zshrc and press enter. Here is a line like this: -
export ZSH = "$ home / wiz / .oh-my-zsh"
Edit it and do the following code: -
export ZSH = "$ HOME / .oh-my-zsh"
When finished, click this button
Now write: wq Look exactly like the following: -
Once again enter exit then enter app again. Enter vim install.txt and enter in the following days: -
Now enter it by typing: PluginInstall this way
Wait a while. Once again: Enter wq and enter. Enter AR again vim .zshrc and then enter. Go down one by one and write as follows: -
Enter your name here at my PogamarYT site.
Now click anywhere and click on More and click More. Then click on Style. Then click on Choose Font, select Anonymous Pro, then type exit and enter again with Enter and see the magic. If all goes well, look like this: -
So far this day, I will be good at signing Islam Out of BanglaPen! Allah is Hafez.
Termux - Download
Termux: Styling - Download