260 questions and answers with information technology ........ So, let's get started
259 questions and answers with information technology ........
So, let's get started
1) The smallest unit of information - data
2) The meaning of the word data - fact
3) Making data meaningful in special contexts - Information
4) Information = data + perspective + meaning
5) Associated with information distribution, processing and storage - information technology
6) ICT in Education Program - UNESCO
6) There are innumerable circuits inside the computer
6) Stores, analyzes and produces information - computer
9) Computer does important work - 4
10) Mono FM band was launched in 1947
11) Stereo FM band was introduced in 1970
12) Worldwide FM frequency 88.5-108.0 Hz
13) Broadcasting in Radio Communication System - 3 types
14) Full form of PAL - Phase Alternation by Line
15) There are 41 private channels in the country
16) The world's largest network - the Internet
16) Internet launched - with ARPANET (1989)
16) The US Department of Defense launched ARPANET
19) The term Internet was introduced in 1972
20) TCP / IP was introduced in ARPANET - in 1983
21) NSFNET was established in 1986
22) ARPANET was closed in 1990
23) The Internet was opened to all - in 1989
24) ISOC was established in 1992
25) About 5 crore 22 lakh (32%) internet users in Bangladesh
26) The experimental phase of the Internet 1989-1983
26) TV - One way communication system
26) Inventor of “Global Village” and “The Medium is the Message” - Marshall McLuhan (1911-1970)
29) The Gutenberg: The Making Typographic Man was published in 1962
30) Understanding Media was published in 1984
31. The foundation of Bishwagram - secure exchange of information
32. The backbone of the world - connectivity
33. Mathematical reasoning and decision making can be done with computer
34. The main source of knowledge in the world today - the website
35) Full form of EHR - Electronic Heath Records
36. Automating the overall activities of the office is called - Office Automation
37) IT + Entertainment = Xbox
38) IT + Telecommunication = iPod
39) IT + Consumer Electronics = Vaio
40) There will be artificial intelligence - 5th generation computer
41. Used to apply artificial intelligence - programming language
42. Robot components - Power System, Actuator, Sensor, Manipulation
43. Full form of PCB - Printed Circuit Board
44. Cold temperatures used to treat skin in 2500 BC - Egyptians
45. Napoleon's physician was Dominic J. Larry
46. The first satellite sent into space - Sputnik-1
48. The first man arrives on the moon - July 20, 1989
46. Full form of MRP - Manufacturing Resource Planning
49. UAV capable of flying 100 km. Until
50. Full form of GPS - Global Positioning System
51. Used in person identification - biometric method
52. Hand geometry reader can measure - 31000+ points
53. Iris detection method takes time - 10-15 seconds
54. The first use of the term bioinformatics is Paulien Hogeweg
55. Father of Bioinformatics - Margaret Oakley Dayhaff
57. A set of complete genes is called - genome
58. The first use of the word genetic engineering - Jack Williamson l
57. Recombinant DNA - Paul Berg (1972)
59. The world's first transgenic animal - rat (1974)
60. The world's first genetic engineering company - Genetech (1976).
61. The full form of GMO - Genetically Modified Organism
72. Atomic or molecular level working strategy - Nanotechnology
63. The formation of molecules can be seen - scanning tunneling microscope
64. Instructions of Computer Ethics Institute - 10
65. How to read blind without braille - Screen Magnification / Screen Reading Software
66. Basic elements of communication process - 5
67. Transmission speed is called - Bandwidth
68. Bandwidth is measured - in bps
69. Narrow band speed 45-300 bps
70. The speed of the voice band is 9600 bps
71. Broadband speed - 1 Mbps
72. Character by character transmission - asynchronous
73. 80-132 characters per block in synchronous transmission.
74. Data transmission mode - 3 types
75. On the one hand data transmission - simplex mode
76. Transmit data to both, but not simultaneously - half duplex mode
77. Simultaneous data transmission in both directions - full duplex mode
78. Cable is made by dielectric material
79. Co-axial cable speeds up to 200 Mbps
80. Twisted Pair Cable has 4 pairs
81. Fiber Optic- Transmits light signal
82. Microwave frequency range 300 MHz - 30 GHz
83. Artificial satellites originated in the 1950s
84. Geosynchronous Satellite was established in the 1980s
85. There are artificial satellites 36,000 km from the earth's surface. Up
86. Bluetooth range 10 -100 Meter
87. The full form of Wi-Fi - Wireless Fidelity
88. Wi-Fi speed - 54 Mbps
89. The term WiMax was introduced in 2001
90. Full form of WiMax - Worlwide Interoperability for Microwave Access
91.4th generation technology - WiMax
92. WiMax speed - 75 Mbps
93. FDMA = Frequency Division Multiple Access
94. CDMA = Code Division Multiple Access
95. The main part of the mobile - 3
96. SIM = Subscriber Identity Module
97. GSM = Global System for Mobile Communication
98. GSM was first named in 1972
99. GSM channels - 124 (200 KHz each)
100. Frequency used in GSM - 4 types
101. GSM is used in 216 countries
102. Applicable to GSM 3G
103. The average power consumption in GSM is 2 watts
104.CDMA Discovered by Qualcomm (1995)
105. The frequency range of radio waves is 10 KHz-1GHz
106. Radio wave speed 24Kbps
107. CDMA 3G was launched in 1999
108.CDMA provides data in spread spectrum
109.1G AMPS was launched in 1983 in North America
110. The first prepaid system was introduced in 2G
111. MMS and SMS are launched on 2G
112.3G was launched in 1992
113.3G bandwidth 2MHz
114.3G Mobile first used in Japan's NTT Docomo (2001)
The main feature of 115.4G is the use of IP based network
The speed of 116.4G is 50 times faster than 3G
The actual bandwidth of 116.4G is 10Mbps
118. There are two types of terminals
119. Geographically computer network - 4 types
120. PAN limited within 10 meters
121. Thomas Zimmerman gave the idea of PAN
122. LAN is limited to 10 kilometers
123. Co-axial cable is used in LN
124. Cable TV Network - MAN
125. NIC = Network Interface Card
128. The number of bits in the code of NIC card is -48
128. There are two types of modems
128. Hub is a repeater with more than two ports
129. Renowned router company - Cisco
130. There are mainly 3 types of bridges
131. The point at which a PC is connected to a network is called a node.
132. Used in Office Management - Tree Topology
133. Started Cloud Computing Commercially - Amazon (2006)
134. Features of Cloud Computing - 3
135. Symbol of number system - Mathematics
138. There are two types of number system
138. Positional number system requires 3 data
136. Numbers are divided into integers and fractions by Radix Point
139. Full form of Bit - Binary Digit
140. The basic unit of digital computer - Bit
141. The simplest calculation method - binary method
142. Logic level of “O”: from 0 Volt to +0.8 Volt
143. Logic level of “1”: From +2 Volt to +5 Volt
144. Digital device works - in binary mode
The value of 145.n bit is 2 ^ n
148.BCD Code = Binary Coded Decimal Code
146.ASCII = American Standard Code for Information Interchange
146. Invented by ASCII - Robert Beamer (1985)
149. Number of bits in ASCII code - 6
150. EBCDIC = Extended Binary Coded Decimal Information Code
151. Unicode was invented by Apple and Xerox Corporation (1991).
152. Unicode bit number- 2 Byte
153. Unicode 1st 256 codes are similar to ASCII code
154. Unicode symbols - 85,536 (2 ^ 10)
155. Number of bits of ASCII - 1 Byte
156. Inventor of Boolean algebra - George Bully (1847)
157. Boolean Yoga is called Logical Addition
158. Adheres to Dual Principle - “and” and “OR”
159. There is one or more variables in Logic Function
160. Different values of variable in Logic Function - Input
161. Value or Output of Logic Function - Output
162. Boolean theorem can be proved with truth table
163. Digital Electronic Circuit is - Logic Gate
164. Basic Logic Gate - 3 (OR, AND, NOT)
165. Public Gates - 2 (NAND, NOR)
166. Special gate- X-OR, X-NOR
167. Encoder has 2 2 n inputs to n outputs
168.Decoder gives 2 ^ n outputs from n inputs
169. Half Adder has Sum and Carry
170. Full Adder has 1 Sum and 2 Carry
171. A bunch of flip-flops is the registrar
172.Input pulse can count- Counter
173.Web page is created by HTML
174. Image file-. jpg / .jpeg / .bmp
175.Video file- .mov / .mpeg / mp4
176. Audio file-mp3
177. Used to beautify the website - .css
178. Currently on - IPV4
179. Requires IPV4 release - 32bit
180. Alphanumeric address of IP address- DNS
181. Controls domain names worldwide - InterNIC
182. Generic type domain - Top level domain
183. http = hyper text transfer protocol
184. URL = Uniform Resource Locator
155. Discovered HTML - Tim Berner Lee (1990)
186. W3C creates HTML
187. The main task of web design is to create templates
188. Programming language - 5 levels
189. Machine Language (1G) -1945
190. Assembling Language (2G) -1950
191. High Level Language (3G) -1960
192.Very High Level Language (4G) -1970
193.Natural Language (5G) -1980
194. Low level vaSha-1G, 2G
195. There are different symbolic addresses - at the level
196.C Language was created by Dennis Ritchie (1970).
197. C ++ by Bijarne Stroustrup (1970)
198. Visual Basic was last published in 1998
199. Designed by Java - Sun Micro System
200. AlGOL was invented in 1956
Fortran was created by John Bacas (1950).
201. Python was created by Guido van Rosam (1991).
Language of 203.4G - Intellect, SQL
202. Pseudo Code- Pseudo Code
203. Visual Programming- Event Driven
204.C Language comes from BCPL
205. Turbo C is made by Borland Company
Useful Header File in 206.C Language - stdio.h
Essential part of 209.C - main () Function
206. Supports ANSI C language - 4 classes of data
207. Keywords in ANCI C-47
208. Keywords in ANSI C ++ - 63
209. Database base field
210. Gives the idea of Database Model - E.F.Codd (1970)
211. The most popular Query- Selec Query
212.SQL = Structured Query Language
213. Creating SQL - IBM (1984)
214.ERP = Enterprise Resource Planning
219. Bangladesh is connected to submarine cable - May 21, 2006
220.MIS = Management Information System
221. Fake mail submission location - Spam
222.CD = Compact Disk
223. MS Excel is Spreadsheet Software
224. Internet was introduced in Bangladesh in 1998
225. The world's first computer - ENIAC
226. Laptop first came in the market in 1971
227. ROM = Read Only Memory
228. Current Generation - 4G
229. The father of Twitter - Jack Dorsey
230 In MODEM - Modulator + Demodulator
231. UNIX is the operating system
232. CPU = Central Processing Unit
The first computer made with 233.IC - IBM360
234. 100% accuracy of digital computer
235.1st Programmer - Lady Augusta
237.1 Programming Language - ADA
236. Unnecessary information given on computer - Gibarish
236. Computer virus came in 1950
240. Name the computer virus - Fred Cohen
241. Mother of All Virus-CIH
242. VIRUS = Vital Information Resources Under Seize
243. The most difficult language for programming is machine language
244. NORTON - an antivirus
245. Murata Boy-Japanese Robot
246. 1nm = 10 ^ (- 9) m
247. Atom size of gold - 0.3nm
248. Isocronus transmission takes zero seconds
249. Core diameter of optical fiber - 8-10 microns
250.1 Wireless - Guglielimo Marconi (1901)
251. The first 3bit of ASCII-7 code is called a zone and the last 4bit is numeric
252. According to ASCII table,
0-3 & 127 = Control Character
32-64 = Special Character
65-96 = Capital Letters & Some Signs
97-127 = Small Letters & Some Signs
253. In the EBCDIC code-
0-9 = 1111
A-Z = 1100,1101,1110
Special Signs = 0100,0101,0110,0111
254. The EBCDIC code has 256 letters, symbols and numbers
255. EBCDIC code is used in IBM Mainframe Computer and Mini Computer.
256. Improves Unicode - Unicode Consortium
256. Insulators used to make fiber optic cables - Silicon Dioxide and Muli Component Glass (Soda Boro Silicet, NaOH Silicet etc.)
257. Isochronous is more used in Data Transfer of Real Time Application
258. Radio Wave's Data Transmission Speed - 24 Kbps
259. The fastest version of Wifi - IEEE
So, let's get started
1) The smallest unit of information - data
2) The meaning of the word data - fact
3) Making data meaningful in special contexts - Information
4) Information = data + perspective + meaning
5) Associated with information distribution, processing and storage - information technology
6) ICT in Education Program - UNESCO
6) There are innumerable circuits inside the computer
6) Stores, analyzes and produces information - computer
9) Computer does important work - 4
10) Mono FM band was launched in 1947
11) Stereo FM band was introduced in 1970
12) Worldwide FM frequency 88.5-108.0 Hz
13) Broadcasting in Radio Communication System - 3 types
14) Full form of PAL - Phase Alternation by Line
15) There are 41 private channels in the country
16) The world's largest network - the Internet
16) Internet launched - with ARPANET (1989)
16) The US Department of Defense launched ARPANET
19) The term Internet was introduced in 1972
20) TCP / IP was introduced in ARPANET - in 1983
21) NSFNET was established in 1986
22) ARPANET was closed in 1990
23) The Internet was opened to all - in 1989
24) ISOC was established in 1992
25) About 5 crore 22 lakh (32%) internet users in Bangladesh
26) The experimental phase of the Internet 1989-1983
26) TV - One way communication system
26) Inventor of “Global Village” and “The Medium is the Message” - Marshall McLuhan (1911-1970)
29) The Gutenberg: The Making Typographic Man was published in 1962
30) Understanding Media was published in 1984
31. The foundation of Bishwagram - secure exchange of information
32. The backbone of the world - connectivity
33. Mathematical reasoning and decision making can be done with computer
34. The main source of knowledge in the world today - the website
35) Full form of EHR - Electronic Heath Records
36. Automating the overall activities of the office is called - Office Automation
37) IT + Entertainment = Xbox
38) IT + Telecommunication = iPod
39) IT + Consumer Electronics = Vaio
40) There will be artificial intelligence - 5th generation computer
41. Used to apply artificial intelligence - programming language
42. Robot components - Power System, Actuator, Sensor, Manipulation
43. Full form of PCB - Printed Circuit Board
44. Cold temperatures used to treat skin in 2500 BC - Egyptians
45. Napoleon's physician was Dominic J. Larry
46. The first satellite sent into space - Sputnik-1
48. The first man arrives on the moon - July 20, 1989
46. Full form of MRP - Manufacturing Resource Planning
49. UAV capable of flying 100 km. Until
50. Full form of GPS - Global Positioning System
51. Used in person identification - biometric method
52. Hand geometry reader can measure - 31000+ points
53. Iris detection method takes time - 10-15 seconds
54. The first use of the term bioinformatics is Paulien Hogeweg
55. Father of Bioinformatics - Margaret Oakley Dayhaff
57. A set of complete genes is called - genome
58. The first use of the word genetic engineering - Jack Williamson l
57. Recombinant DNA - Paul Berg (1972)
59. The world's first transgenic animal - rat (1974)
60. The world's first genetic engineering company - Genetech (1976).
61. The full form of GMO - Genetically Modified Organism
72. Atomic or molecular level working strategy - Nanotechnology
63. The formation of molecules can be seen - scanning tunneling microscope
64. Instructions of Computer Ethics Institute - 10
65. How to read blind without braille - Screen Magnification / Screen Reading Software
66. Basic elements of communication process - 5
67. Transmission speed is called - Bandwidth
68. Bandwidth is measured - in bps
69. Narrow band speed 45-300 bps
70. The speed of the voice band is 9600 bps
71. Broadband speed - 1 Mbps
72. Character by character transmission - asynchronous
73. 80-132 characters per block in synchronous transmission.
74. Data transmission mode - 3 types
75. On the one hand data transmission - simplex mode
76. Transmit data to both, but not simultaneously - half duplex mode
77. Simultaneous data transmission in both directions - full duplex mode
78. Cable is made by dielectric material
79. Co-axial cable speeds up to 200 Mbps
80. Twisted Pair Cable has 4 pairs
81. Fiber Optic- Transmits light signal
82. Microwave frequency range 300 MHz - 30 GHz
83. Artificial satellites originated in the 1950s
84. Geosynchronous Satellite was established in the 1980s
85. There are artificial satellites 36,000 km from the earth's surface. Up
86. Bluetooth range 10 -100 Meter
87. The full form of Wi-Fi - Wireless Fidelity
88. Wi-Fi speed - 54 Mbps
89. The term WiMax was introduced in 2001
90. Full form of WiMax - Worlwide Interoperability for Microwave Access
91.4th generation technology - WiMax
92. WiMax speed - 75 Mbps
93. FDMA = Frequency Division Multiple Access
94. CDMA = Code Division Multiple Access
95. The main part of the mobile - 3
96. SIM = Subscriber Identity Module
97. GSM = Global System for Mobile Communication
98. GSM was first named in 1972
99. GSM channels - 124 (200 KHz each)
100. Frequency used in GSM - 4 types
101. GSM is used in 216 countries
102. Applicable to GSM 3G
103. The average power consumption in GSM is 2 watts
104.CDMA Discovered by Qualcomm (1995)
105. The frequency range of radio waves is 10 KHz-1GHz
106. Radio wave speed 24Kbps
107. CDMA 3G was launched in 1999
108.CDMA provides data in spread spectrum
109.1G AMPS was launched in 1983 in North America
110. The first prepaid system was introduced in 2G
111. MMS and SMS are launched on 2G
112.3G was launched in 1992
113.3G bandwidth 2MHz
114.3G Mobile first used in Japan's NTT Docomo (2001)
The main feature of 115.4G is the use of IP based network
The speed of 116.4G is 50 times faster than 3G
The actual bandwidth of 116.4G is 10Mbps
118. There are two types of terminals
119. Geographically computer network - 4 types
120. PAN limited within 10 meters
121. Thomas Zimmerman gave the idea of PAN
122. LAN is limited to 10 kilometers
123. Co-axial cable is used in LN
124. Cable TV Network - MAN
125. NIC = Network Interface Card
128. The number of bits in the code of NIC card is -48
128. There are two types of modems
128. Hub is a repeater with more than two ports
129. Renowned router company - Cisco
130. There are mainly 3 types of bridges
131. The point at which a PC is connected to a network is called a node.
132. Used in Office Management - Tree Topology
133. Started Cloud Computing Commercially - Amazon (2006)
134. Features of Cloud Computing - 3
135. Symbol of number system - Mathematics
138. There are two types of number system
138. Positional number system requires 3 data
136. Numbers are divided into integers and fractions by Radix Point
139. Full form of Bit - Binary Digit
140. The basic unit of digital computer - Bit
141. The simplest calculation method - binary method
142. Logic level of “O”: from 0 Volt to +0.8 Volt
143. Logic level of “1”: From +2 Volt to +5 Volt
144. Digital device works - in binary mode
The value of 145.n bit is 2 ^ n
148.BCD Code = Binary Coded Decimal Code
146.ASCII = American Standard Code for Information Interchange
146. Invented by ASCII - Robert Beamer (1985)
149. Number of bits in ASCII code - 6
150. EBCDIC = Extended Binary Coded Decimal Information Code
151. Unicode was invented by Apple and Xerox Corporation (1991).
152. Unicode bit number- 2 Byte
153. Unicode 1st 256 codes are similar to ASCII code
154. Unicode symbols - 85,536 (2 ^ 10)
155. Number of bits of ASCII - 1 Byte
156. Inventor of Boolean algebra - George Bully (1847)
157. Boolean Yoga is called Logical Addition
158. Adheres to Dual Principle - “and” and “OR”
159. There is one or more variables in Logic Function
160. Different values of variable in Logic Function - Input
161. Value or Output of Logic Function - Output
162. Boolean theorem can be proved with truth table
163. Digital Electronic Circuit is - Logic Gate
164. Basic Logic Gate - 3 (OR, AND, NOT)
165. Public Gates - 2 (NAND, NOR)
166. Special gate- X-OR, X-NOR
167. Encoder has 2 2 n inputs to n outputs
168.Decoder gives 2 ^ n outputs from n inputs
169. Half Adder has Sum and Carry
170. Full Adder has 1 Sum and 2 Carry
171. A bunch of flip-flops is the registrar
172.Input pulse can count- Counter
173.Web page is created by HTML
174. Image file-. jpg / .jpeg / .bmp
175.Video file- .mov / .mpeg / mp4
176. Audio file-mp3
177. Used to beautify the website - .css
178. Currently on - IPV4
179. Requires IPV4 release - 32bit
180. Alphanumeric address of IP address- DNS
181. Controls domain names worldwide - InterNIC
182. Generic type domain - Top level domain
183. http = hyper text transfer protocol
184. URL = Uniform Resource Locator
155. Discovered HTML - Tim Berner Lee (1990)
186. W3C creates HTML
187. The main task of web design is to create templates
188. Programming language - 5 levels
189. Machine Language (1G) -1945
190. Assembling Language (2G) -1950
191. High Level Language (3G) -1960
192.Very High Level Language (4G) -1970
193.Natural Language (5G) -1980
194. Low level vaSha-1G, 2G
195. There are different symbolic addresses - at the level
196.C Language was created by Dennis Ritchie (1970).
197. C ++ by Bijarne Stroustrup (1970)
198. Visual Basic was last published in 1998
199. Designed by Java - Sun Micro System
200. AlGOL was invented in 1956
Fortran was created by John Bacas (1950).
201. Python was created by Guido van Rosam (1991).
Language of 203.4G - Intellect, SQL
202. Pseudo Code- Pseudo Code
203. Visual Programming- Event Driven
204.C Language comes from BCPL
205. Turbo C is made by Borland Company
Useful Header File in 206.C Language - stdio.h
Essential part of 209.C - main () Function
206. Supports ANSI C language - 4 classes of data
207. Keywords in ANCI C-47
208. Keywords in ANSI C ++ - 63
209. Database base field
210. Gives the idea of Database Model - E.F.Codd (1970)
211. The most popular Query- Selec Query
212.SQL = Structured Query Language
213. Creating SQL - IBM (1984)
214.ERP = Enterprise Resource Planning
219. Bangladesh is connected to submarine cable - May 21, 2006
220.MIS = Management Information System
221. Fake mail submission location - Spam
222.CD = Compact Disk
223. MS Excel is Spreadsheet Software
224. Internet was introduced in Bangladesh in 1998
225. The world's first computer - ENIAC
226. Laptop first came in the market in 1971
227. ROM = Read Only Memory
228. Current Generation - 4G
229. The father of Twitter - Jack Dorsey
230 In MODEM - Modulator + Demodulator
231. UNIX is the operating system
232. CPU = Central Processing Unit
The first computer made with 233.IC - IBM360
234. 100% accuracy of digital computer
235.1st Programmer - Lady Augusta
237.1 Programming Language - ADA
236. Unnecessary information given on computer - Gibarish
236. Computer virus came in 1950
240. Name the computer virus - Fred Cohen
241. Mother of All Virus-CIH
242. VIRUS = Vital Information Resources Under Seize
243. The most difficult language for programming is machine language
244. NORTON - an antivirus
245. Murata Boy-Japanese Robot
246. 1nm = 10 ^ (- 9) m
247. Atom size of gold - 0.3nm
248. Isocronus transmission takes zero seconds
249. Core diameter of optical fiber - 8-10 microns
250.1 Wireless - Guglielimo Marconi (1901)
251. The first 3bit of ASCII-7 code is called a zone and the last 4bit is numeric
252. According to ASCII table,
0-3 & 127 = Control Character
32-64 = Special Character
65-96 = Capital Letters & Some Signs
97-127 = Small Letters & Some Signs
253. In the EBCDIC code-
0-9 = 1111
A-Z = 1100,1101,1110
Special Signs = 0100,0101,0110,0111
254. The EBCDIC code has 256 letters, symbols and numbers
255. EBCDIC code is used in IBM Mainframe Computer and Mini Computer.
256. Improves Unicode - Unicode Consortium
256. Insulators used to make fiber optic cables - Silicon Dioxide and Muli Component Glass (Soda Boro Silicet, NaOH Silicet etc.)
257. Isochronous is more used in Data Transfer of Real Time Application
258. Radio Wave's Data Transmission Speed - 24 Kbps
259. The fastest version of Wifi - IEEE